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Writer's pictureLucas Jet

A fantastic 4th birthday party and when you should consider a party planner

Updated: Mar 10, 2021

It's February, it's cold, it's wet, there's a storm a comin'. What better way to test our sanity and winter big top fitness levels than by hosting one of the biggest big top parties we've done. We had a named storm in the area, my grandma was awfully worried. Luckily we don't take storms lightly, there was lots of re-enforcing in the rigging of the big top and I have to say it was great to see that we could still pull off an outdoor party even in challenging weather conditions like this.

This was the second time I've used this big top for a kids party in the last 6 months continuing the trend from the end of 2018 of big top parties. The last time was Arthur's 6th at the end of summer, you can see the professional pictures here. But today we're all about the big 4th birthday party of Caoimhe. Quick disclaimer. These photos aren't mine nor are they professionally taken so it doesn't really do the party justice if I'm honest but hopefully you can use your imagination.

Children's Party Entertainer | Circus Theme Party | Kids Party Entertainer

Variety is the spice of life

We switched it up in terms of artists for this circus party. I was a little bit conscious that 4 year olds don't always get me and my skills. This was a party held on a racehorse training stables and I called in the horse whisperer of toddlers...Big Foot the Clown. We have worked with Big Foot for many many years and he has a wonderful charming way of bringing out personalities in a group of young children that might otherwise be a little overwhelmed by the whole spectacle of the event.

Children's Party Entertainer | Circus Theme Party | Kids Party Entertainer

I also brought in a good friend called Kris Madden who is a whizz with the cyr wheel which is an undeniably amazing circus act and sure enough this went down really well with the audience. My usual bits completed the team of circus artists ready to take on the world but only up against a 25 3-10 year olds and their parents.

You can witness the various circus skills on display in the video below. I was very busy trying to focus on the show so I didn't manage to capture everything as well as it could have been filmed but it's another example of an astonishing circus party that we've helped to create and orchestrate. Speaking of help. It should be noted that this was a larger team effort than previous parties.

What can booking a kids party planner do for you?

Birthday mum Jennie got in touch with me initially as I presume she liked the look of what we did, but then chose to pass on most of the organisation onto a party planner, in this case it was Special Events based down in Guildford. Together with myself they were responsible for pulling it all together and making sure it ran like clockwork, taking all the stress away from the host parents and allowing them to enjoy the party and socialise with friends. If budget allows I think for a party of this scale it can be a really good idea.

Here's 3 benefits of having a kids party planner that might make it the right choice for you.

  1. Industry expertise - your party planner will have many years and hopefully hundreds of parties under their belt, they will have seen what works and the ideas that you might think that would be great but don't translate to a working party very well.

  2. Team co-ordination - The party planner will either be there themselves or have a trusted representative to make sure everything and everyone is pulling in the same direction and running on time.

  3. Little touches - What I liked about what Special Events did on this party was booking in things like bright colourful beanbags for the kids to sit on. These are the sort of little touches that I can't quite offer yet. Their party bags were also very nicely done.

Children's Party Entertainer | Circus Theme Party | Kids Party Entertainer

Children's Party Entertainer | Circus Theme Party | Kids Party Entertainer

Special Events also booked in the caterers to keep the prosecco flowing amongst the adults. Finally it would not be fair to not nod my hat to magical pair Andy and Julie, who put on a separate show for everyone to enjoy including 3 surprise furry guests from out of a hat that went down very well with the little ones. They also provided a very interactive disco which the mums were great at getting involved with.

Children's Party Entertainer | Circus Theme Party | Kids Party Entertainer

A circus party that wasn't Greatest Showman theme!

The nice thing about this big top circus party was it was very much circus theme, not Greatest Showman. Which gives me some hope that once this long old craze of Greatest Showman parties eventually dies out that I will still hopefully remain nice and busy. Thanks so much for having us Jennie and family and we do indeed hope to see you next year.

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